Disclaimer: This post is a lot more explicit than the last one
Grease is one of my favourite films of all time and the soundtrack is one of my favourite records of all time too, aswell as the ubiquitous stuff like "Summer Nights" and "Greased Lightning" there's the more obscure classics like "Raining On Prom Night" and "Mooning" that are heard in the background in the diner scenes. I had watched the film about a squillion times by the time I was 11, owned my first biker jacket when I was about 12 and made several farcical attempts to do my hair like the T Birds flick knife packing , hickey administering leader Kenickie.
(Yes Kenickie was their leader, not Danny Zucco as many mistakenly believe)
This was in the early 90s when the fashion was Joe Bloggs jeans, long sleeved t shirts and Dougal type happy hardcore hairstyles and so my attempts at a greaser/rockabilly style were pretty suicidal each carefully contsructed brylcreemed quiff was systematically destroyed and flattened by the hands of bullies and I had to walk around with a comb in my pocket so I could go to the toilets and put it back up again. you may be wondering why I wanted to be like Kenickie as opposed to John Travolta's heart throb Danny Zucco. Well it's very simple my friends, Kenickie got to get off with Rizzo his counterpart in the female Pink Ladies crew
Rarely has a movie character oozed sex to the extent of Stockard Channing's Betty Rizzo. She even does this in animated form in the title sequence which shows her changing out of a tight fitting, boobalicious pink sweater into a black blouse, displaying her bra in the process
Aswell as being a boob man I have a big thing for the female belly and scenes like the above definitely contributed to both. Riz even looks hot wearing ludicrous Readers Wives/Princess Margaret shades whilst reclining coolly as all around her flounce about going "Wella Wella Wella Oomph"
It wasn't just Riz though. All of the Pink Ladies were smoking hot in different ways. The Pink Ladies consist of :
Frenchy (Didi Conn) whom I had as big a crush on as Rizzo and still do. Frenchy is the undisputed queen of sexy female smokers in my book with her "french inhaling" technique
"Guys love it" she says and despite the scepticism of her fellow Ladies she's spot on in my book. For soem reason I found female smoking a lot sexier when I was a kid than I do now. Probably because of it's semiotic use of defining "bad girls". Frenchy's smoking givers her ditzy sweetness a bit of edge. Rizzo responds to Frenchy's claim that this smoking technique is how she got her nickname with a derisory "Yeah right". As a kid I thought Rizzo was refering to French kissing and that Frenchy was some kind of Olympic level expert at snogging with tongues. This fuelled my imagination as Frenchie seems to be the nicest of the Pink Ladies and therefore the one that would be most likely to let a terminal geek snog her and perhaps even put their hand up her top. It wasn't til a few years later that I heard people use the word "French" to refer to blow jobs and I both "got" Rizzo's joke and also went further into Frenchy fantasy overdrive. As well as sexy smoking Frenchy caters to my liking for vintage nightwear and lingerie during the slumber party scene

Finally there's Jan (Jamie Donnelly) .Jan is uncoventinally attractive slightly chubby , somewhat tomboyish and always stuffing food into her cute face
Girl gangs have long been a big fetish fuel source for me and many of my adolescent fantasies revolved around the Pink Ladies. Both of them relate to the gang's hottest scene: Frenchie's aforementioned Slumber Party
. As a male slumber parties were never part of my adolescence but like many teenage boys I imagined them as revolving around spin the bottle, strip poker, tickle fights, truth or dare and general girls getting off with each other related horseplay that probably seldom happens in reality. None of that happens at Frenchy's slumber party either sadly but there's still plenty to fuel the imagination particularly the presence of naive, wholesome girl next door Sandy whom Rizzo's bad girl crew seem to be trying to corrupt getting her to try cigarettes
And plying her with booze
Of course that first pic is solely included because Riz is showing her knickers. Now here's where I read to much into the scene. The good girl being corrupted by bad girls thing is a staple of girl/girl fantasies. Check out the almost predatory looks Jan gives Sandy and even goodier two shoes Patty Simcox earlier in the film when they're sat round the lunch table
Now what actually happens in the film is that Frenchy, being lovely, has invited Sandy to her Slumber Party cos she wants her to be friends with her friends because she feels sorry for her cos she's got no friends. What happened in my imagination is that Frenchy is a honey trap luring Sandy to what seems like an innocuous slumber party but is actually a kind of makeshift academy for turning good girls into bad girls. The inititations in my fantasies could go beyond drinking and smoking into spanking , tickle torture or even full on hardcore girl on girl Belladonna territory involving sex toys that would be ridiculously anachronistic for a film set in the 50s.
Aswell as the booze and fags there's an even hotter bit where Sandy nervously lets Frenchy pierce her ear
This scene always used to give me a kind of funny feeling I couldn't quite explain even before I knew about body piercing and could envision fantasies of Sandy getting her nipples or clit pierced as part of her Pink Ladies initiation. I guess it was simply the nervous girl/ experienced girl juxtaposition and the possiblity of them kissing. I also used to think it would be nice to let Frenchie pierce my ear or at least do my hair
Much later as an eyeliner wearing punky type watching the film I entertained fantasies of Frenchy doing my makeup for me and painting my nails too. This is ironic as in the film Frenchy is terrible at that sort of thing and fails beauty school for accidentally turning her hair pink. But I had pink hair for years so if she did that to me it woudl have been fine. Fantasies escalate as you know and the simple fantasy of a sweet ditzy girl doing my mascara would spiral rapidly into fanciful scenarios involving the whole gang grabbing hold of me and bundling me into their Pink Ladymobile
I'd end up being the "entertainment" at Frenchy's Slumber Party.
What being the "entertainment" actually involved varied from fantasy to fantasy but usually involved me "servicing" the entire gang. This woudl often feature Rizzo wrapping her leg around my head or Marty smoking as I went down on her
Occasionally this would be proceeded by me being madeover by Frenchy into a kind of rockabilly male lesbian human dress up doll/ concubine and on other occasions being used as a practice dummy for them to show Sandy the finer points of how bad girls please bad guys. I'm saying this in the past tense as if I never entertain these thoughts now which would of course be an utter lie.